Welcome to MiamiBiz, One Stop Site for Business Applications

This site will allow applicants to complete the owner and business information required to obtain a Certificate of Use (CU) in order to do business in the City of Miami. The system will generate the business application form needed to apply for the Accessory Use, Certificate of Use, Business Tax Receipt and other types of legal documents at the end of the process.

MiamiBiz not only allows applicants to apply online, but also streamlines the application process as information is only entered once, saving you time! MiamiBiz also provides access to update the owner’s profile information

This site will also allow the City of Miami to have a record of your application and your application will be available when you proceed into the NET or Office of Zoning to complete the application process and pay the fees associated with the applicable business license.

IMPORTANT: You MUST have a valid email address to log in to the MiamiBiz application. If you do not have one, you will have to physically go to a nearby City office listed here and apply in person.

If you have a valid email address and want to start the process to apply for Accessory Use, Certificate of Use, or BusinessTax Receipt now, click the Register Online button below